Welcome to Applewood Candle Co.
We make candles so as to provide our clients with a healthy, safe and pure candle that they can feel confident lighting and sharing with friends and family!
The vast majority of candles in today's market are comprised of paraffin wax, cotton wicks and synthetic, chemically-laden fragrances. Candles made with these generic materials pollute your air by releasing harmful chemicals. For that reason, I had stopped burning candles over the last few years. This was hard for me, as I have always enjoyed lighting candles. I find a candle relaxing after a long, stressful day. I also loved to have candles burning when having company over. I finally decided I had had enough of the anti-candle lifestyle, and became determined to craft a quality, pure candle!
After months and months of research, I discovered a combination of high-quality, natural materials that I could feel comfortable using in my own home. I use sustainably-harvested, pure coconut-soy wax for the base of each of my candles. Unlike many other popular waxes, both coconut and soy has been scientifically-studied and has been proven to release zero chemicals as it burns. I also use wooden wicks, instead of traditional cotton wicks. Wooden wicks are uncoated, and do not produce soot or smoke when lit (so long as ash is removed between each use). Finally, I use a line of fragrances that are naturally-derived and are free of both phthalates and parabens (two chemicals that have been linked to various health concerns)! Each candle is hand-mixed and hand-poured in small batches, to ensure consistency and quality. We cannot wait for you to give Applewood Candle Co. a try!